Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Vis Dev

Here are some visual development drawings and paintings for my film. I have more but this is all I'm showing for now.


Leo Matsuda said...

Cool Brett!!! Can't wait to see your film, man!

Graham Ross said...
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Graham Ross said...

Kinda reminds me of the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Remember that one?

mario miranda said...

Hey Brett-

It's great to see some of your explorations for the short. How is all of that going?

Graham Ross said...

I heard a rumor it's your birthday today....

Unknown said...

Aww yeah! The caterpillar at the top looks pretty sweet. I still think the most appealing larvae of all time is the one from Lady and the Tramp.

Alfredo said...

cool drawings!!!
I have already began blocking the tree. I will send you the model for approval.
keep posting more stuff, I can't wait to see how things are coming along.
good luck with your thesis.
oh, and Happy Bday :P

sabby3481 said...

These are such expressive drawings :) Is there any animation we can see?